About us

Enchanted Dining is a specialist retailer offering excellent prices on Dining and Kitchen Tables. Our goal is to provide every customer with a fantastic shopping experience by offering high quality products, fantastic delivery times and outstanding customer support.

Our head office is located in London however we distribute from warehouses across the UK Via our trusted and experienced suppliers.

We are passionate about Dining Tables and we aim to offer our customers the best possible service within the Dining industry.

The way we work is, we stock beautiful, High quality products from various experienced and established suppliers across the UK, we then market these product and connect with customers like yourselves to arrange delivery times for the products to your doorstep, and that’s it! 

If you require any support with a product or have a particular question, we are here to help, simply visit our contact us page to contact us directly.


If you would like consistent updates on things such as new product ranges, seasonal discounts and special offers, please sign up to our email list so we can keep you on top of things, trust us, you don't want to miss out.


Please enjoy your time at our store, we are sure that we can Enchant your dining experience!